Centre for Nanoporous Materials
Schools of Chemistry and CEAS 
Mr Steven Tendyra
PhD Student

Steven graduated from UCL's MSci Chemistry programme, having specialised in computational and theoretical chemistry, and completed a project exploring crystal structure prediction methodology under Prof. Sarah L Price FRS and Dr Matteo Salvalaglio. After several years of working in a diverse range of sectors, from start-ups to science media, he decided to return to higher education. His project, supervised by Prof. Mike Anderson and Dr Martin Attfield, is focused on the development of simulation tools for understanding crystal growth at the nanoscale and is sponsored by BASF, the world's largest chemical company.

tel:        +44 (0)161 306 2770
fax:       +44 (0)161 275 4598
e-mail:  steven.tendyra@postgrad.manchester.ac.uk
